tashzoe – lost in the city

This blog is about me and my misadventures to get lost in the beautiful city that we live in… as well as some of my random mumblings

Get lost in it

Anyone who grew up in some sort of arty background will appreciate the phrase ‘get lost in it’. As a dancer I was encouraged to get lost in the movements and the rhythms of dance. As a drama student I was told to get lost in my character and to become more than what I read in the script. Nowadays though, it seems as though we can only allocate certain instances to really giving up something of ourselves. Yes, we can get lost in a good book and the characters that are portrayed, but do we really allow ourselves time to do this frequently? One thing I know that I dedicate getting lost in; is worship, but even then, that probably doesn’t happen as often as it should.

So what am I getting at?

Well, I’m on a mission. To become more rooted in the things that I do. I’m tired of skimming the surface, especially when it comes to being a Joburger… How many friends do you have that live in the North (or West, or East, or South) that stay in their respective areas, and seldom venture past the divide? How many friends do you have that know very little or nothing about the places that they live in? It was only the other day that I got to learn about the new and vibrant city that is Braamfontein, which is an incredible place and nothing like it used to be . (But that is for another blog entry.) Well, I don’t want to be like that. I think that we live in one of the most dynamic and vibrant nations in the world, and I want to explore that, I want to dig deep, and really get into my South African roots. I want to get lost in being a South African, and a Jozi one at that. No doubt that I will literally get lost on my journeys, as my sense of direction is shocking, but that’s part of the adventure isn’t it?

One comment on “Get lost in it

  1. Pat
    March 15, 2012

    Very interesting. Will follow and see “where” you go.

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This entry was posted on March 12, 2012 by .
